West Suffolk Council News

10 April 2018, 14:41

Tree-mendous effort as 250 trees planted across West Suffolk

Tree-mendous effort as 250 trees planted across West Suffolk: Tree planting in Abbey Gardens-3

Teams from West Suffolk councils are in the process of planting around 250 trees across the area as part of the authorities drive to protect the local environment.

The tree-mendous effort is part of Forest Heath District Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s commitment to ensuring that West Suffolk remains a green and pleasant place to live, work and visit.

As part of the Council’s duty of care responsibilities the Council’s tree officers aim to inspect a quarter of the trees which stand on its land every year. Defects or hazards identified during those inspections are then responded to and sometimes that necessitates the felling of trees.

The Council’s aims to replace as many trees as it has to remove each year. New trees, however, are not necessarily always planted in exactly the same place as where a tree was removed from.

So as to avoid future problems the tree officers, when choosing where to plant new trees, are conscious of the need to ensure that it’s both a suitable location and a suitable species of tree for that location.

The replacement planting programme this year includes 100 large heavy standard size trees and 150 woodland whip trees. A Weymouth Pine has been planted in the Abbey Gardens as a long term replacement for a mature one which is in decline. This distinctive tree, until recently, was the tallest in the Abbey Gardens while planting has also taken place at Nowton Park as part of the arboretum collection. Trees have also been planted at other sites across St Edmundsbury Borough and Forest Heath District.

Councillor Jo Rayner, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture for St Edmundsbury Borough Council, said: “West Suffolk is a unique environment that we cherish and protect. This is why we not only plant trees regularly but also look after many of our open spaces for the enjoyment and health benefits of all. One of the things that people pointed out in the recent poll for the creation of the new Single Council was the unique environment which makes West Suffolk a great place to live and do business.”

Melanie Lesser, Bury in Bloom Co-ordinator, said: “Bury in in Bloom are delighted to see so many trees planted around the town, they will provide vital habitats for wildlife and help to enhance the areas in which they have been planted.”

Cllr Andy Drummond, Leisure and Culture Cabinet Member at Forest Heath District Council said: “We pride ourselves on helping make West Suffolk a place where people want to live and work. Having a nice environment with leafy trees and public greens is all part of that and encourages people not only to get out and exercise but to also get involved in volunteering opportunities, helping look after the area and their local community.”

Contact Information

Mark Beaumont
West Suffolk Council
01638 719236/ 07852 866639

Notes to editors

Caption: Steve Moore, a gardener at the Abbey Gardens with the Weymouth Pine.